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Through CL4STEM, high school teachers and their students will participate in engaging, interactive, hands-on learning experiences for the development of knowledge, skills and values, empowering them to be successful in the 21st century.
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This project, the CL4STEM project will pilot and research on innovation for professional development, developed and implemented as an innovation to address quality of secondary education in India, taken to new country contexts of Bhutan, Nigeria, and Tanzania through a South-South collaboration of higher education institutions engaged in Teacher Education.
The overall objectives of the project are as follows
- Develop a selection of OERs that will be curated and adapted for suitability to local contexts and needs: 3 OERs per subject area.
- Integrate OERs for TPCK and inclusive Education into the curriculum for initial/newly qualified teachers if possible through the development of a certificate course.
Unlocking Social Interaction for TPD: Experience from CL4STEM Community of Practice in Teacher Capacity Training
Communities of Practice (CoPs) are a gathering of individuals who unite around a common interest or objective, fostering learning by ...
A 2-Day International Symposium Organised on Teacher Professional Development
The Centre of Excellence (CETE), Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai, India, organised a 2-day International Symposium on Teacher ...
My Experiences with the CL4STEM Biology Modules
I am Norbu Gyeltshen, a biology teacher from Peljorling Higher Secondary School, Samtse, Bhutan. I am incredibly fortunate to have ...
KIX Approves Proposal to Extend CL4STEM Project
We are thrilled to announce that the CL4STEM (Connected Learning for Teachers Capacity Building for STEM) project has been granted ...
CLIX Achievements
CLIX was awarded the UNESCO-King Hamad Prize for the Use of ICTs in Education in 2018 and the OER award for Excellence in Collaboration-2019. The programme’s interactive STEM OERs, subject teacher CoPs on mobile devices, tech design for under-resourced context, participatory and localised ecosystem approach to adoption and scaling, are identified as an innovative model and global good.
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