In continuation of the knowledge transfer activities of the project, a 3-days workshop was held between the 16th – 18th November 2021 for Core Educators in the CL4STEM (Connected Learning for Teacher Capacity Building In STEM) project in Nigeria. In the CL4STEM project, core-educators are faculty members of partner Universities who are involved in training student teachers or In-service teachers. The workshop was aimed at building the capacity of the core-educators in content development using new pedagogical practices and technology enabled activities towards the proposed Open Education Resource for the project.

Recognizing the importance of the workshop and by the extension the project, the workshop was also briefly attended by the Management of IBB University, Lapai, led by the Vice Chancellor, IBB University, Lapai, Prof Abu Kasim, during the opening ceremony of the workshop. Prof. Abu Kasim commended the project teams and core-educators who have been very cooperative despite the challenges experienced. In his team are the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic), Deputy Vice Chancellor (Admin), Registrar and the University Librarian.

The workshop involved participants from project locations of Kano (Faculty Members from Bayero University, Kano), Kaduna (Kaduna State University) and Niger (IBB University, Lapai). The core educators were drawn from various relevant subject areas, including Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. The workshop which was technically supported by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), India, had participants work in groups: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
In their separate remarks, participants note that the workshop has improved their knowledge of teaching, by understanding better ways to explain concepts and enhance quality communication among learners, while promoting equitable and inclusive access to learning materials. The workshop was considered exciting and very useful, offering its participants with newly acquired skills and perspectives toward education and collaboration, setting out a good foundation for future engagements. Participants had employed these skills in the development of a draft content for the modules to be created in the OERs.